hello peeps !
i just relized that i had that lesung thing on my right cheeck :D
hey hey, it's not that lesung batu yang orang gune untuk tumbuk belacan tu okay, it's lesung pipit ;D
BHAHAHA. funny ain't ? ade lesung pipit pon nak riuh satu dunia. err, this is my blog. ikot suke aku nak tulis ape pon :p tak suke? pi maen jauh jauh. by the way, maybe lesung pipit ni aku sorang kot boleh nampak because it don't really appears when i had my full smile like this -------> :D
err, what else eh ?
owh, i just relized that i'm GEDIK. repeat, GEDIK. again, GEDIK.
okay, maybe lau depan kawan sekelas, aku kurang kot. tpy lau dengan family, totally. alah, mommy, ateh, acik, alia pon gedik samelah. super gedik gituww :p acik and ateh is my aunts, alia is my lil sis. that's why we're satu kepale. heh ? satu kepale ? it's not like sharing one head like kembar siam tu. it's maybe sehaluan kot atau di panggil same atitude. nak jadikan cerite, maybe satu family belah mak aku gedik kot, kadang-2 tokwan aku pon buad gedik same --' yeah ! we are AB bloody XD we're crazy, we're super gedik, we're bising-2, we're riuh rendah and etc ;D
and i just relized that i'm MANJE. again, MANJE --'
Sol, Ecah and Nia said i'm manje. huhuhu, tak baek la.tdy aku tanye adik aku, dye cakap aku gedik and manje --' , aku tnye mak aku, mak aku cakap aku manje, gedik, and brutal --' huh ? brutal ? aku ngaku tu tpy skrang still lagi ke ? --'
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