tpy bez gop duk umah~ leyh tido lame cket :p heehee~ and leyh blooging :p heehee~
The Girl

- AynFathihah
- Simple 14 | taken by Farrith Lin on 27th June 2011 | Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Chukai
Aug 22, 2011
:) XD
5 hary lagi ckup 2 blan kiteorng kpel ...hehe... nia ngan seroq pun nk 4 blan dah ~ :) semoge kite sume dapat kekal smpai ble2 ~ n xder gdoh2 ~ lao gdoh pon xteruk sangad ;)
26 July 2011 :)
Okay, skrang ,nk crite psal ary niyh le~~ huhu~~ suspen je ayat :P~~ ary niey ade ceramah kt dewan mercu~ dri kul 8 smpai 2~ mule2,bez~~ dekat2 nk abes tuh, mule la ngantok-.-” hurmm~ adoyai~~ ble abes tuh, dye sruh mkn~~ bez jugak nasik dye msk tuh~~ nasik minyak~~ wooo~~hahaha~~ kk~~ let straight to the point~~ mse msok toilet sblom mkn tuh, C.I.N.C.I.N. A.Q. T.E.R.J.A.T.O.H. L.A.M. L.U.B.A.N.G. T.A.N.D.A.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mse kluar dri toilet tuh, ketar gile tgan aq~~ nia pon nampok~~ cdey gilee~ rse nop ngis tpy rmai org ekpown tdy~~ huhuhhu~ mse ddk kt pondok, debor nk mampus~~ mse aq bgtau kt dye, tersekat2 ayt aq~~huhu~~ tpy naseb baek le dye x mrah~~ fffuuuhhhh~~ lege gile aty ~~ pstuh, kitorg naek jaming lgu auld lang syne~ for farewell~~ mse nk msok bilik band, aq mintak dye bukak cermin mte dye~~ o.O WWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E. G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.L.L.L.L.L.L..L.L.L..L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmg terkejut!!!!!!!!!~~ tpy, dye cbut spek dye 3second je~:(((((nk tgk lg~~ cute~~:(((((((((ps2, mse tggu mommy kt pondok, nia bg cincin farrith kt aq.~~dye ckp farrith suh simpan~~aq tnyer le farrith knape dye kasi cincin 2 kat aq, dye ckp dye tak pkai mne pon,dye tgk aq pkai sokmo, huhu, so dye kasi le~~hhuhuhu~~ so, that’s my story for 2day~~ ngantok dderr~~ insyaallah, klao ambew ade mse, ambew post le our story di A sampai skrang~~ x smpai lg Z~~ huhuh~~KLAO SI DYE BCE BLOG NIEY, THANKS SESANGAT~~ just want to say I.I.I.I.I.I.I.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U.U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29 July 2011 ",
mse recess tdy, aq tgh beli mee goreng, aq dengor le org pggil aq kt blakang~aq ingt tokki iwan sbb suare mcm tokki so aq toleh le~~ rupe2nye, kwn dye yg panggil aq~ dye mmg straight gile dgn aq~ MMG KAKU TERUS AQ MSE TUH~~ terbeliak bijik mate kitorg duorg~~ tpy, when i look at his eyes, woooooooooooo~ cute giler~~~ nk2 mte dye~~ SEPET + BULAT = SELAT~~ haha~~ nseb baek jgak le bleyh gerak mse ttuh~~ aq pon trus lari kt ecah~~ huhu~~
15 August 2011 :p
Hahaha~~ funny though~~ mse lpz klas pai, aq nmpk farrah trun dri tangge nk prgi klaz kt ane ntah~~ pz2, ingt nk pggl dye, n then aq terpaggil dye ”FARRITH!!!!” kuat plok tuh~~ o.O’
Sume org tengok kt aq~ 0.o’ blushing~~
rimas, serabut, benci -.-
hmm ... thun niey aq prasan rmai kwn2 laki skula rendah mintak no fon~ and thun niey jgak le rmai org kcau aq~ -.- serabut le ... rmai gop kwn2 lme aq mintak couple tpy aq tolak ~ aq notice ade lam 20 org ske kt aq ~ nk mintk no fon le, wt2 mesra le, sruh org adjuz le, mcm2 ... -.- rimas le~ I guess they don't know that I'm already taken ~ :p tpy aq sendiri pun x thu mcm mne aq bleyh ske, bleyh sayang kt Farrith~ mmg sblum niey aq x care pun psal boyfriend aq~ just care mse perlu jela~ contoh , yg pertame, dye cedera skit mse maen bola~ kuat sngt maen~ tpy yg first tuh aq LANSUNG X CARE ~ sumpah r~ yg second bru care skit2~ mse tuh dye terlanggar kace sliding door kt mke so darah banyak gile dheerr~ siap kne jahit lgi kt mke~ mmg skit lgi nk kne mte~ tkot jgak lao bute ke, ape ke~
tpy yg third niey, mmg aq care sngt2 sampai penting dri diri aq~ mse kitorg bru kpel( not officially), mse tuh k.atyn mrah gle ngan dye~ aq tkot jdy ape2 so aq pun wt decision nk lepaskan dye buat sementare waktu lao itu yg bleyh wt dye and k.atyn hepy and bleyh concentrate exam~ aq x kisah walaupun aq sakit, terluke sekali pun~ aq snggop sacrifice untok wt dye bleyh concentrate dye punyer study~(asalkan x lebih batas) and i know he can change :) dye jgak le boyfriend yg pling sweet yg pernah aq jmpe :)
tpy yg third niey, mmg aq care sngt2 sampai penting dri diri aq~ mse kitorg bru kpel( not officially), mse tuh k.atyn mrah gle ngan dye~ aq tkot jdy ape2 so aq pun wt decision nk lepaskan dye buat sementare waktu lao itu yg bleyh wt dye and k.atyn hepy and bleyh concentrate exam~ aq x kisah walaupun aq sakit, terluke sekali pun~ aq snggop sacrifice untok wt dye bleyh concentrate dye punyer study~(asalkan x lebih batas) and i know he can change :) dye jgak le boyfriend yg pling sweet yg pernah aq jmpe :)
Aug 21, 2011
Selamat Berbuke :)
ngee~ awk, kite dah nk kne log out... kite kne berbuke kt pejabat ayah kite :) awak pon pergi lah tlong mak awk masak~ hihi~ ntah ape lah jdyk klau awak msak~ esok plak ea kite mcj yea wak~ :) anyway , SELAMAT BERBUKE lah yea awk~ :) miss u and love you infinity damn much <3 :)
Happy :D
Hehe~ heppy dpt mcj~ wlaupon skejap...... lme dah kte x mcj an... 2 hari mcm 2 thun x mcj :p anyway, I'm happy dapat mcj hry nieyh:)
Aug 20, 2011
sbenarnye aq start cri bju mse ary selase dah tpy, punyer lah kecerewetan aq meledak, x terbeli stu pon -.-'
ntah le.... mmg thon nieyh aq cerewet nk MAMPOS psal bju rye~ contoh mcm pefume, aq lbeyh ske yg lam btol kce~ aq x bli spray yg mcm adeq aq punyer sbb ble aq bau, mmg busuk~ yg menepati taste aq sekarang DIOR, SILKYGIRL, BODY SHOP.... -.- mak aq ckp bgos jgak mcm tuh sbenarnye, sbb ble aq nk beli stu barang , aq kumpul duit sendiri and then ble dah cukop, hilang interest plak~ contoh mcm aq nk supra.. sekarng dah cukop duit, aq xnk bli dah~-.- mcm boring plak~ skrang aq nk kumpol duit nk bli NIKON dslr ~ sbb rmai gak le ckp gambar yg aq amik ok angle dye~ ntah le~ aq pkai tgkap je~ tpy yg sbenarnye aq nk bli nikon tuh sbb aq nk tgkap gambar dye bnyak2~ :p hehe~ aq nk tgkp gambar dye x pkai spek~ ntah ble la bleyh tgok dye 'spek'less lgi :(
and psal shopping tuh, aq bru bli ary niey and aq rse thon nieyh pling mhal~
kasut - rm 59
sluar - rm 50
shawl - 3 helai - rm27
t-shirt - 2 helai - rm 75
bju kurung - 5 psang - rm490
2 pon tak hbes lagi shopping~
nk kne bli beg lgi, perfume lgi, shawl 2 lagi, hmmm... pe lgi ekk...
hehe~ rse mcm ade je yg tertinggal~ thon nieyh aq nk rye puas2 sbb UPSR dah lepaz~ tunggu PMR lmbt lgi ~ SPM lgi la~ hehe~
ha~ and nk thu x~
nunu ske lokman !!!!! yeay ~ lokman tuh aq rse aq thu mcm mne nk adjust ngan nunu~ hehe~
Calon Kakak Angkat
heheh~ yg psal clon2 tuh, aq mmg nk mintak dyeorg jdyk kakak angkt aq tpy segan le.... lao sapa2 yg baca ini punya post sama calon..... and lao lu kasi tahu sama mreka, gua kasi penumbok~ hahah~ bior le tuan empunya badan bce sondiri~
Kak Ain ...
yg Quraatul Aini tuh x sempat nk snap pic dye lgi~
my diary - competition day - natcom 2011
21 Jun 2011 - Selase
ggggggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt !!!~ fooo~~ letih gle~~ bru sampai kt umah nieyh~~ comp thon nieyh no 5 lagi~ lagi?? hehe~ aq thu dri dye le~ dye ckp 2009 no 5, thon lpas pon no 5….. hoiyahoi~~ pgi tdy lam kul 5.30 tdy pergi mandi kat dorm kak linda~ sjuk gile wwooottt~~ pkul 6.15 get ready nk naek bas~ aq ingt percussion ngan blower campor2 tpy sebaliknye :’( aq ddk ngan afifah lam bas~ borink punyer psal, aq crite le psal aq ske kt farrith ~ dye x ckp papew~ cme biase2 je la~~ pastuh kak faezah ngan kak aini tetibe ajak aq g kt seat dyeorg~ aq ok jela ~ mle2 ckp psal korea ngan kak aini~ pastuh kak faezah mule tnye psal btol x aq ske farrith~ aq ckp syg dye as tokki ~ kak faezah pon mcm x caye gitu so dye tnye le skali lagi btol x~ aq smile jelah~ wat2 koya~ wat muke dop saloh~ haha~ pastuh, kitorg sampai kt stadium gong badak. mse tuh lepas salin bju kuning untok comp, msok stadium, ingt nk tgok performance sekula laen, x jdy~ O.o’ mmg bijop r dyorng maen~~ jdy jea~ entah le kitorg camne nnty~ mse msok lam stadium tuh, aq mmg tepek sokmo nge dye~ cucu kan :p hahah~ sedap gop r bakor dye idong itam~~ b4 perform tuh, aq mintok dye belanje aq sbb dye tokki aq an~~
lpas perform, photoshot, simpan alt n lepak2 kjap~~
mse lpas siap simpan alt,sampai le air ~~ air itu ditaje oleh kak atyn suha… thanks kak atyn ^^ lpas tuh kitorg pon kene naek kt ats nk tgok performance skula laen lakk~ duduk kejap, nmpak le org laki cine pegang canon~ hhhmmmmm~~~ macam knal jea~ o.O it’s his father~~ pastuh bru le nmpak farah ngan mak dye~ aq ingt nk jmpe skejap nk ckp ngan parents dye~~ tpy siape lah aq niey~~ cucu jea ~ haha~~ tkot dye(farrith) pikir ape plak kan lao aq wt cenggitu~~ mcm nk sgt bodek mak bapak semate2 nk ngorat ank dye~~ lepas abes umum sume2 tuh, time untok balik~~ hmm~~ mse nk blik tuh, dye pon kasi kt aq air klape ngan stu kotak warne gold~ aq ingt kan ape, ade coklat lam tuuh~~ O.o plik nieyh~~ knape dye nk bgi aq coklat lakk??? hmmm~~ mcm ade something jea ~ mmg seumor hidop aq x pernah dapt coklat dri org laki~~ ayah aq sondiri x kasi aq coklat -.-
naek bas blowers, cikgu awie pon masok bas ckp sape2 yg nk msok bas percussion dipersilekan sbb bas tuh skit je org~~ sek-2 blowers sume x nk kluar~ dirg ckp x bez mne sbb diorg punyer kekawan dah ok ngan blowers~ aq, hehe, amik chance arr nk duduk stu bas ngan dye~ aq ajk org laen, dyeorg xnk kluar bas tuh ~~ dyeorg ckp mlaz nk bawak barang bnyk2~ lantak le dherr~~ aq , choww lu arr~ pastuh bwk brang2 kluar ikot nurin ngan nunu~ bas sampai, kitorg sume msok le bas tuh~ aq mlas nk ddk depan sbb cgu atan ade so aq ddk seat ketiga dari belakang….. mse tuh tepi aq, firdaus ddk, aq tgok dye ddk kt depan~ then, dye pindah blakang lakk~ pastuh dye mintak ngan firdaus nk tukar tempat~firdaus ddk kt blakang aq ngan nurin~ mcm date lakk~ haha~ kawan ~ hmm… aq, kaku skejap…… knape dye nk ddk tepi aq?? spe x plik?? pastuh bermule le convesation between cucu and tokki~ hahaha~ mmg bez jdy cucu dye~ and pade mase yg sme, aq n k.atyn jiha makin jaoh~ dye emo manjang ble duk ngan aq~~ hmmm … how to say~~ aq rse x der salah papew pown aq ngan dye~ :/ ckp2, borak2, bual2,lepak2, hehe, x sme kea sume tuh?? haha~~ pastuh cg atan karaoke….. dherrr~~ lagu punyer lah jiwang karat nk mampos eeeiiii~~ I HATE JIWANG KARAT ….. hmmm… lepas tuh, rse ngatok~~ ape lagi, tidor le kije nyea~ hehehe~ sedap woot tido mse tuh~~ k. ain msok pon aq x sedar~~ k. ain wt date ngan mifzal~ woooohhhh~~ sweet giler dueorg tuh~~ wt date ddk sbelah2~ bez nyer klao aq bleyh wt cenggitu ngan dye~~ tpy, aq tgok dye mcm layan aq as adeq jea~ :((
and, dah sampai kt skula kitorg~~ x sbr jea rse nk blik~ kitorng dpt voucher 10 hingget sorg stu~ mlas nk pergi lmbat2 so kitorg decide nk gne mkn esok~~ here we go, KFC !!!! woott~~ok le, nk mandi lakk~ dah maghrib nieyh~ annyeong ^^,
my diary - next day
20 Jun 2011 - IsninK … mlam nanty nk kene g skula coz kene stay a night kt sne nk brtolak awl for comp ecok~ mse pagi, ade latihan nk ready for comp~ letih giler woot !!!~ pas2, cikgu bgi chance xyah naek blaja kt klas~ yeah~~ bez giler lepakk~ mse lpas latihan kan, lam blik band tdy kan, kite kan, hehe, kite borak ngan si dye puas2~ hehe~ puas aty giler~ getting to know him more~ hhmm… aq, dye, syed, ngan afiq~ lepak2 lee~ aq sekoor pompuan~ heehee~ mcm tomboy le plakk~~ :p gurau2, bakor2, cite2 psal antoo le, mcm2 le~~ nieyh, yg psal antoo tuh, senior2 punyer kije le nieyh~ sampai aq nk masok toilet skulah kt dewan pon gerun ~ -.-’ and ary nieyh aq dapat stu family :p hahaha~Farrith : Tokki FarrithK. Atyn Jiha : Tokwan AtynIwan : Tokki IwanAkmal :PappyAfif :Mummyhuhu~ aq sje jea tease dye ade uban atas kepale dye :p kene tipu :p hahaha~ mse ngah lepak tuh, aq tgok mcm dye anggap aq nieyh as adeq jea~ :’( melepas le aq~ hmm… bru je niat nk ckp yg aq ske kt dye tpy tgk dye layan aq cenggini, x jadyk le -.- kan org ckp aq nieyh bertepok sbelah tgan la, timbe cri perigi le~ kan tok pasal mlu~ mse lam blik band tuh, dye maen piano lao x silap~ aq tgok dye maen, mcm ketor tgn dye nk maen~ o.O bkpe eh? aq mintak le tutor dye sket nk maen lagu senang~~ dye ajar lagu happy birthday~~ haha~~ mcm bdok2 lah plok ase~ ingt2 aq, mmg dripade awl thon daa aq tgok kt dye~ actually start dri aq darjah 4 daa tpy mse darjah 6 aq tgok dye mcm slenge so aq x care mne la~ sekarang nieyh dye btol2 ade ciri2 dream boy aq~ :/ hmmm~ start dri kitorg jmpe smule mse perjumpaan band ary sabtu yg first2 skali yg dikhaskan untok bdak form1 sbb cgu nk ajar maen troumpet ngan marching step mse tuh so percussion pon kne mri le jgak~ mse sampai kt dewan terbuke tuh, aq rse mcm knal jea org tuh~ last2 aq tgok dye ~ mmg rse mcm dpt ‘durian runtuh’ lakk mse tuh~~ aq rse hepy sesngt dpt jmpe dye and start mse tulah mte aq terlekat kt dye~ o.O mmg asal jmmpe dye je, trus pandang kt dye~ second time nmpk dye kt kantin~mse tuh bdak form3 ade mkn tepi aq~ aq tnye le dye nme dye farrith lin kan~ kakak2 tuh sume terkejut mcm mne aq bleyh knal dye, so i just tell them yg dye tuh kwn lme and dye tuh ank murid mak aq~~ lepas tuh riuh stu meje tuh ckp psal farrith… farrith cute, farrith handsome, farrith baek, farrith itu, farrith ini lah~ mcm2 le dyeorg ckp~~ pastuh kwn aq sorang nieyh, dye nk knal jgak le farrith tuh~ dye siap ckp kt kakak sorg tuh yg aq minat kt farrith~ -.-’ sengal punyer kawan ~mmg le aq ske kt dye tpy xkan nok ckp kt sume org yg aq ske dye~~ dye(kwn aq) sruh kakak tuh ckp kt farrith yg aq krim salamm -.-’ sengal~ and third time aq jmpe dye mse kt dewan mercu.. mse tuh 1 crv ade klas muzik and kitorg amik alt stu sorng bawak pergi ke dewan. berat giler wooott~~mse nk blik tuh, dye msok lam dewan tuh nk ckp ngan cikgu~ mse tuh dye ade le ckp skit ngan hazim….. aq tnye le hazim dye ckp ape ngan farrith~ dye buad x thu je~ siot -.- and lpas tuh aq jmpe dye kt camp band r~ that’s the fourth time~ mse mlam ade practice ngan sir din tuh, aq rapat gile babi r ngan k atyn ea coz kitorg gurau2 psal katak~(katak tuh teddy bear yg aq bawak nk buad tido, k.atyn curi nk msok katok -.-) k.atyn mse tuh ngah practice snare ngan dye pstuh aq sje jea la pergi dudk depan dye tepi k.atyn~aq tgok dye mse tuh mcm kayu~ sempat jgak tentang mte nge dye kjap~ keras semacam jea~ plik o.O’ aq ckp cenggitu je la ngan dye~ k.atyn plok pahceroh katok , katok, katok, katok~~ mikir nk msok gane katok tuh~ sup katok la, gulai katok la, katok msk asam le, katok goreng kunyit ade gop~ haha~ nseb baek dye dop kte nk wt berger katok O.o’ k lerr~~ nk kene siap2 barang nk g skula~ home sweet home~~ rumah pon bleyh rse mnis jgak kea?? mcm hensel and gretel lak nieyh~~ haha~ :powh… almost forgot a thing~~ mse ary jumaat mse kitorg practice, kitorg dibenarkan blik sbb sek-2 laki nk solat jumaat mse tuh~ mse tuh mommy sruh bwak jelly skit untok sek-2 aq~ mommy kasi 8 bekas ~ kwn aq ade 7 org je~ aq mlas nk mkn ~so aq kasi kt dye 1 jelly lebih tuh~ hepy je mkn jelly tuh~ :p dye ckp on time je kasi jelly tuh , kebetolan dye rse nk mkn jelly klape~ huhuh~
My Diary:)
aq akan post content diary aq ~~ diary aq nieyh separoh aq type lam laptop, separoh lagi aq tlis lam buku yg aq bli ngan dye kt Men Men mse ary rabu~~
here u go ~.~
28 May 2011 - khamis
hmm… ary nieyh best jgak r fo the first day camp… sir din 2 facilitator kitorg untok camp ni~ mule2 aq tgk dye mcm pandai buad jokes~ mmg pon mse dye introduce hisself, mmg lwak jgak~~ tpy, fuuuuuuuuuulllllaaaaaaaaammmmmmmaaaaaaakkkkkkk wwwwwwooooooootttttt !!!!! dye punyer skill mmg DASYAT!!!!!! hehe~ aq, mcm biase, hehe, tgok2 jgak le kt farrith.. x thu le dye single kea tak~ tpy 2 le~ nk wt camne , aq tgok dye anggap aq niey mcm adeq jea~ mse mlam, org laen sume pkai slua, aq sekoor jea pkai night dress -.-sume org pggl aq princess :p huhu~~ mcm2~~ ase mcm bdak kecik lak~~ pas2 kak nazirah n kak etty ckp le aq niey comey, ayu, bertuah spe yg dpt~~ dyeorg tnye le aq niey berpunyer x lg…. aq ckp xder spe2 pon yg nk kt aq~ dyeorg x caye lakk~ adoyai~~ pass2 ecah ceppat2 ckp yg aq ni ade minat kt org n org 2 bdak band jgak~ o.O’ habes le rahsie aq~ pas2 mcm sume org tertnye2 spe yg bertuah 2, ecah trus ckp Farrith ~~ O.o mati aq~~ abes sume org daa thu~ start dri mse 2, aq kene bako abes ngan geng2 2 sbb ske ke farrith~ -.-‘
Aug 19, 2011
Penyakit ??
hmmm ….. lately aq slalu sket kpale, ase terhuyung hayang, mcm nk pitam, sket mte, denyut2 kat blakg kpale, mte….. hmmm ~ camner ekk?? sapa sapa yg taw ksi thu sama gua~
and aq rse aq nieyh ade migrain sbb ble aq bce simptom2 nye, sume ade kt aq~ and ble aq check forwardly kt barah otak, simptom level 1(awal) dah complete…. hmm… camner ekk??
Bebudak Zaman Sekarang
zmn skg.....Ponteng Skolah -> Cuma nk meringankan beban cikgu.
Mewarnakan rambut -> Saja nk test cikgu ad x buta warna.
Mrayau kt skolah -> Nk tgk ad x kes pergaduhan berlaku.
Conteng meja -> Memupuk bakat kesenian.
Gaduh -> Menegakkan keadilan.
Dok siap kerja kolah -> nok menguji ksbran ckgu.
Isap Rokok -> nak tengok cikgu ada asma ke dok. ~just copy n paste~
Hoiyahoi ~
Salam 1 Malaysia......
Ceewahh~ macam PM le plak~ hmm~~ just wanna say hye for the first time in blogspot~ ni first time aq wt blogspot~ b4 this I already have tumblr.... and it's active ~ feel free to follow me, okay??
and aq post lam ni mcm2 jenis bhase so be alert kay?? :))
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